During a vehicle collision, your car is struck with literally tons of force. Even with the protection of your seat belt and exterior frame, your body may suffer some damage. The following car accident injuries are the most common.

Whiplash and Traumatic Brain Injury

The sudden and sharp jolting of a car collision can wreak havoc on your neck and damage your brain. Brain injury from a car accident may be a product of external force. Traumatic brain injury may result from a fracture to the skull or nerve damage. Whiplash is one of the best known car accident injuries to the neck. Impact stress to nerves, ligaments, and muscles can cause debilitating pain to neck or the jaw.

The impact of another vehicle may cause a compression fracture or dislocate vertebrae discs. Weakness to the legs, paralysis, and lack of bladder control are all possible side affects from jarring impact to your back. Soft tissue damage can also threaten your lumbar and lower back, necessitating the services of a professional chiropractor to restore full mobility.

Arms and Legs

Your extremities are also put at risk during a car accident. Cuts and gashes could be caused by flying cargo, glass, or crushed metal. Exposed skin on the shoulder, wrists, arms, knees, legs, and feet are vulnerable to cutting wounds. Fractures to the shoulders, arms, hips, and knees are not uncommon after a serious vehicular collision. Doctors can identify the need for a splint, cast, or surgery using an MRI scans.

After a collision, make sure to put a qualified personal injury lawyer in your corner to maximize your compensation. For more information or a free consolation, call D’Agostino & Associates at (888) 860-5787 and browse our practice areas and specialties online.