Staten Island Electrician Severely Injured at Manhattan Job Site Settles Suit for $2.25 Million Says Lawyer
As Stated in the Staten Island Advance: Staten Island Electrician Injured at Manhattan Job Site Settles For $2.25 Million SI Advance Article
Motorcycle Accident Statistics
Motorcycles and mopeds can be an effective way to get around New York City, because of lower parking constraints and the ability to maneuver in traffic. Accidents involving motorcycles, however, can often be more dangerous [...]
Scalding Burn Injuries
Scalding burns are caused by hot liquids and/or steam. These hot water and steam can easily cause first or second-degree burns; but third-degree injuries can be possible in severe cases. Scald burns can often lead [...]
Subway Injuries
Over 1.8 billion New Yorkers ride the subway system everyday. The underground tracks are almost always in use, day or night. The MTA works to keep riders safe from harm and keep the trains running [...]
How Safe is NYC’s Scaffolding?
There are over 300 miles of scaffolding stacked up and criss-crossing the streets of New York City. We use them to build and repair buildings all across the 5 boroughs, from apartment buildings to schools. [...]
Documenting Your Injuries
When it comes to Workers’ Compensation claims, it is often common for the victim to only document the most severe injury that occurs from an accident. The victim is so concerned with the broken bone [...]