Last year the state of New York saw over 300,000 car accidents with almost 600,000 cars resulting in over 1,000 deaths and over 170,000 people injured. If you or a loved one is hurt in an accident, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your pain, suffering, or loss. We know that it can be difficult to handle all the work that comes with an accident; let us help you out. If you are in an accident, call 911 immediately if you are able. The police will help you get all the accident reports, witness statements and more to ensure that all the necessary information is present and well-documented for a trial. If paramedics arrive, even if you believe you are uninjured, have them evaluate you. Mention any pains or injuries to your doctor and keep all medical consultations documented after a crash, especially those involving injuries.
If you’ve been injured as a result of negligence then you may be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages, loss of services, out of pocket expenses, et cetera; call D’Agostino & Associates for a free consultation to “bite back.”